Back to the caravan for my usual pre-race meal of chicken
and asparagus pasta bake. With nothing else to do it was time to set my alarm
for stupid o’clock and get off to bed. I was woken several times, during the
night, by the rain which was coming down in biblical proportions.
Race day
Stupid o’clock comes around and I’m stirring before the
alarm goes off. Time to get some porridge and coffee down me. Ang gets up with
me too, but she’s not going to watch me start the race she’s getting up to put
a ticket on the car which has been parked in the town overnight. Jason and his ever
supportive Ironwife, Ange (yeah I know it’s confusing for us too) come and pick
us up to take us to transition.
Despite the atrocious overnight rain, the weather gods
appear to be on our side, it is a beautifully still, mild, dry morning. After
setting my bike up with the requisite nutrition, we hang around for the
procession to North Beach. However, the timings for this were woefully wrong
and this meant there was very little time to get in the sea to acclimatise and
to warm up my wetsuit (you know what I mean).
For an event that has so many entrants, at this point when
you’re looking out to the sea, thinking about the challenges ahead, this is a
very solitary sport. This is it now, nobody is going to help you, you’re on your
A rousing rendition of the Welsh national anthem is played
across the PA, just to make sure that nobody in Tenby was still sleeping and
then… BOOM! We’re off!
One of the least controllable aspects of triathlon is the
condition of the open water swim. Thankfully, the sea appeared to behaving
itself and was reasonably flat. I only noticed any significant swell at the
first turn buoy, which is the most exposed point of the course.
And they're off |
It took me a while to settle into my swim as my goggles were
steaming up and the low morning sun meant it was very difficult to sight. So
for the first 20 minutes or so I just followed feet, and hoped that they were
going in the right direction. It seemed to take and age to get to the first
turn buoy, I can only assume that we were battling with some currents.
The first loop of the swim is pretty uneventful and I’m out
of the water in a time of… I check my watch and it gives me a time of 0:00.
Bugger! I’m sure that I started my watch and checked that I had started it. Never
mind I can do a bit of addition to work out my race time for the rest of the
Back in the water for a second uneventful loop. I felt
comfortable in the water and the training I had done meant that I didn’t suffer
with any fatigue. I kept my effort levels in check and made sure I was physically
in a good place for the rest of the day
I’m out of the water in a time of
1:26:22, (giving me a pace of 2:16/100m) initially I was disappointed
with this time. But I have it on good authority that the swim was long (over
4km), which would give me a more acceptable pace of 2:08.
Swim done |
Transition 1
Ironman Wales is renown for having the longest transition in
the Ironman circuit. After running up the beach, you have to navigate yourself
up a very steep ramp, find your shoes, and run through the town to transition. I
decided that I would take my wetsuit off before the run into transition.
Come On! |
With over 1,400 people racing the fact that I sit down next
to Wayne, the guy I swim with in the mornings is a hell of a coincidence. And
knowing he’s a bit faster swimmer than me and he’s only just ahead of me gives
me confidence that my swim wasn’t that bad after all. There’s never going to be
any records broken here, so I make sure that I’m well set up for the ride
It’s very warm in the tent, which leads me to decide that
compression top with a trisuit on top will be adequate clothing for the ride.
T1 time was 15:47
The bike segment of Ironman Wales quite magnificent; it is a
testing ride, through some quite breath-taking scenery.
I have warned all that care to listen that this ride is going
to sap you. If you’re not going uphill, you’re going downhill – and if you’re
doing neither of these you’re going round a bend. There is very little
opportunity to get yourself settled. Having said that the first segment out to
Angle is fairly straightforward. I was ticking along at a reasonable pace (for
me), happy that the infamous Pembrokeshire winds were behaving themselves.
The first testing climb of the day is Freshwater West –
after a descent to the bay and riding through the sand dunes, this climb
certainly gets the heart rate up. I’m pleased to say that I smashed it up this
climb leaving several riders in my wake.
In your face Freshwater West |
One thing I noticed during this part of the ride was the
lack of bike handling skills by lots of riders. The roads were still quite wet,
with quite a bit of detritus, from the overnight rain. I lost count of the
number of riders I saw on the side of the road.
Riding back into Pembroke I was pleased to see that the
roads were finally drying out, and thought to myself that it was going to be a
good day. However I looked to the west and saw a horrible black cloud in the
middle distance. Now this cloud looked like something you see in the movies, it’s
the sort of cloud that is full of evil. I just hoped that this weather front was
travelling in a north westerly direction and that we would avoid it.
As I approached The Ridgeway I received my answer, big,
cold, heavy drops of rain started to fall. Thankfully it was just a smattering
of drops <today is going to be a good day>. Next thing the skies opened
it was hammering down, the rain was bouncing off the road. I was soaked through
in an instant and started to feel cold.
At this point I was on the technical decent off The Ridgeway
and my back brake took a hell of a beating. Despite my holier than thou
attitude to the guys with their shit bike handling, I managed to overshoot one
corner, I was glad that I kept my bike upright. Even more of a bonus, I didn’t
hit the car coming straight towards me.
After about 30 minutes the rain did stop and I managed to
start getting my body temperature up. Helped by
the fact that I was now in the section with the hateful climbs, first
off the list was Narbeth with the usual fantastic support that is waiting for
you when you get to the town.
Next up was Wiseman’s Bridge, since Ironman Wales has been
running it has become infamous, the climb can’t be more than ½ mile long but at
16% it is a proper tester. I’m pretty sure I invented some new swear words
during the climb.
No sooner are you up and over and you’re into Saundersfoot
with another of the marquee climbs, St Bride’s. This is a great climb as the
supporters are on the road in your face, very reminiscent of the climbs in the
Tour de France.
.JPG) |
70 miles done |
And that is the first loop done. It takes a special kind of
sadist to make you do that second loop and just as a unique masochist to bloody
do it. But, that’s what makes this race so damn special.
I was very pleased that, as opposed to last time, I didn’t
get lapped on the bike. It seems that my hard work on the bike has paid off
I managed to catch a glimpse of my mum as I went through
Tenby, but didn’t see anyone else from my support crew (which was a bit
disappointing). The Celtic Tri crew had set up just outside Kiln Park and I assume
I hurled some friendly abuse as I went past.
The toll of the ride
really starts to pinch on the second loop, certainly not helped by the fact
that the wind was picking up a bit.
One of the (many) great things about this race is the
support of the locals. Most of which don’t have any links to triathlon, apart
from the fact that this great big stupid race comes through their town or
village once a year. I am deeply indebted to these guys popping up in the most
unusual places, to help us through our day. I’m not so sure the smell of their
barbeques helps though.
40 miles later including Narbeth, Wiseman’s and St Brides –
and it’s all done in a time of 7:12:19.
Transition 2
I was very buoyant in transition, talking to Lucy from the
gym (who was helping out in transition), how I was going to smash out a 4 hour marathon
to get under 13 hours.
In, bike racked, helmet off, shoes off, shoes on, compression
top off – get out all done in 5:20
As difficult as the bike ride is, the hidden kicker for this
race is the run, the climb up to New Hedges, 4 times, can and will break you.
The first emotion you get on the run is band envy, I’m
pretty sure you expel far too much energy just checking out how many bands people
have. The second emotion that hits you almost straight away is dread, as you
look at the pain the guys that have way more bands are you are in. These guys
are far better athletes than you, they are your future, you will feel this
I start the run full of optimism and I am running at a
reasonable pace, but keeping myself in check not to overcook it.
If I can run at a average km pace of 5:45 for
the marathon then I’ll break my target of 13 hours. I intend to run at 5:30/kms
on the flat and downhill and 6:00/kms on the climbs. This is a sensible plan
and is more than achievable.
Digging in on lap one |
I made good progress on the first lap and was ticking off
places very nicely. I can’t express the excitement I was feeling as I
approached the Five Arches. We supported here last year and created a cacophony
of noise. I turn the corner and shout “Come on Five Arches, make some noise!”
and to be fair they didn’t disappoint. After 10 hours of racing it was great to
see friendly faces and to interact with my friends and family.
.JPG) |
High 5s for Tommy Harris |
I also ran well on the second lap, running alongside my
Twitter buddy
John for a while, until he let me go on my way as he couldn’t keep
up the pace. Everything was good, hurting, but ticking along nicely.
But, once again, the third lap just took everything out of
me. My knees were in a lot of pain and my quads were seizing. As was the
situation in 2011, from hereon in, I was in survival mode. My mantra was to put
one foot in front of the other and get this damn race finished.
Turning the corner into the fourth lap, knowing I only had
10km to go, gave me enough of a boost to kick on as the end was almost in
However, my legs weren’t
completely listening to my train of thought and had got to the point where I
couldn’t stop at the feed stations as my I couldn’t get going again afterwards.
Up to New Hedges for the fourth and final time, I take that final red band with
an immense amount of joy and exhilaration.
All I need to do now, is get down the hill one more time. As
I run down the hill I look at the guys coming the other way with one or two
bands and feel their pain as a long night was ahead of them.
As I get to Tenby I'm barely moving more than a shuffle, and I'm losing ground to the other four-banders. Running through the walled town for the last time, John passes me with less than 1km to go. But at last, it's no right turn for me, it’s time for me
to hang a left and run along the Espenalde.
High fives along the finishing chute so much noise from the
fantastic support. I’m there I’ve done it, with a run time of 4:51:18.
This gives me a race time of
13:51:06, unfortunately not within my (arbitrary) target time of 13
hours, but still 40 minutes quicker than my 2011 time. My position was 777
out of 1,430 starters and 106
th out of 179 in my age group. To have
finished in the top half of the age group I would have need to have been 15
minutes quicker (so, close enough).
Keeping to my promise, after the race I went to the Five
Arches for a pink pint. I also felt the need for a sweaty burger, but our
attempts to get one of these failed.
As difficult as racing an Ironman race is, the training to
get you to the start line takes an immense amount of dedication and sacrifice. Not
just from the athlete but those around you too. I could not have done this race
without the fantastic support of my Ironwidow, Angela. She has been a rock,
coping with my bad moods, training commitments and generally disappearing for
most of the weekend. To which I am eternally grateful to her.
So, what next?
I tell you what it won’t be, it won’t be
Ironman Wales. This race is brutal and the run has broken me both times. As it
stands, I’m not making any plans to race long distance. But never say never, if
(and that’s a very big if) I race long again, it’ll be somewhere warm and flat.
Reflecting on the race, it struck me that I’ve never run a stand-alone
marathon. So that box needs to be ticked in 2014, and then we’ll see where we
go from there….